Children and Youth Work


Our service for the younger congregation runs alongside our main service on Sunday morning, from 10:30. The children start in the service, and around half way through will go into the Church Hall for fun activities. All our staff are DBS checked (enhanced). Phone June Poole on 01865 375130 or Sue Law on 07796955472 for further information.

Messy Church

Messy Church is a form of Church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. It is primarily for people who don’t already belong to another form of church.

We usually meet at 3pm on the the third Sunday of the month. It typically includes a long creative time to explore the biblical theme (getting messy), a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar, and a sit-down meal together. All elements are for, and should include, people of all ages.

Teens Club

For young people 11+. Meets twice a month 4:30-6pm. A time to eat together, chat and study the Bible and do crafts and games.

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