
Please note: there is wheelchair access to all parts of our building (though the hall is from the outside) and there is a loop system for the hard of hearing in the church.

Songs of Praise – first Sunday, 3.00 pm.

This worship service uses traditional hymns and is café style. We meet again on 1 September.

Holy Communion – Thursday, 12.00 noon (except during August).

A weekly, short, reflective service, held in the hall, at which all are welcome. Resumes on 3 September.

Lunch Club – Thursday, mid-month, at 1.00 pm

Booking is necessary. Please contact Pamela Thiele (01865 426203) or Maureen Thompson (01865 881808) for further information.

Discipleship Groups – these meet at various times and venues throughout the month.

Please contact Maureen Thompson on 01865 881808 for details.

Bible Study Group – second and fourth Thursdays in the month at 10.30 pm.

Meets in the church hall twice a month with coffee, resuming 12 September. All are welcome to come along. We are currently studying the Acts of the Apostles.

Also Stories of Jesus Bible Study – Thursday evenings, 7:30pm, 5 September – 3 October

Each week is ‘stand-alone’, so if you cannot make every week, but would like to come to some of the studies, please do. If you are not sure, please feel free to come and ‘try out’ whether this is good fit for you. Contact Janet on 07742 313427 for more information. Transport available if needed.

Eynsham Community Larder – Fridays

Eynsham Larder supports anyone struggling to make ends meet, on a regular or one-off basis. Access to support or advice for anyone facing financial hardship can also be arranged. If you are in need or know someone in need please call Bob Thiele (07738 063083) or email

Donations should be dropped off at the Co-op. Contact Bob if you are able to help with packing or deliveries.

Litter Picking – Monthly

Litter picking in the village, in conjunction with a local community group. This takes place on the last Sunday of each month. Registration takes place at 1.45 pm in the hall and we return at 3.30 pm for a cup of tea together.

Keep looking here to see what we are going to do next